Txakoli have between 11% and 14.5% Alcohol

D.O. Getariako Txakolina groups together the producers of txakoli in the province of Gipuzkoa who make their txakolis under the parameters established by the managing body of the appellation of origin.

Since ancient times, the wine and therefore the vineyard, have been protected in one way or another. Already in 1397, at the General Meeting of the Brotherhood of Gipuzkoa, held in Getaria, the first Ordinances of the province were approved and, at point 18, the death penalty was threatened for anyone destroying vineyards.

During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the vineyard developed and since at least 1509 a guild of vine pruners (Podavines) has been operating in San Sebastián, made up of about 400 men. It is in the eighteenth century when the moment of greatest local protectionism is reached, not so much to favor the winegrower as to protect the province from the spillage of having to pay for the wine introduced in Gipuzkoa.

It is at the end of the 19th century when the great crisis of the Txakoli vineyard takes place for different reasons: gradual abolition of protectionist laws, entry of foreign wines and the appearance of successive plagues and diseases such as Phylloxera and Mildew.

The 20th century marks survival and thus the 80s are reached with only 21 hectares of vineyards (Cadastre INDO 1982) of which 3 were located in Zarautz and the rest in Getaria. Small vineyards managed by a few winegrowers. All of them together began a renovation work in the sector, both in vineyards and wineries, with a view to achieving the recognition of the Denomination of Origin, which was finally achieved in 1989.

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